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Website Updates

Lots of updates this month! We added several missing issues of the Vizsla Voice newsletters from 2009, 2012, 2013, & 2015. Meeting agenda & minutes from October and November 2018 were uploaded. These documents can be found in the Members’ Area of the website. Only members in good standing can access this section of the website. We also posted photos and results from our October 2018 Field Test.

Thanks to VSO members Jayne Coneybeare and, Kim Vink whose dogs have been awarded the Tibor Reiter trophy and who recently supplied us with historical photos, we now feature pictures of the 1985 (“Grouse”), 1999 (“Carry”), 2003 (“Action”), 2010 (“Twister”) and 2011 (“Spirit”) award recipients. Members Ray Rowan and Sylvia Dorosh also provided more photos for other Tibor Reiter recipients for you to enjoy.

Our online archives are now the fullest they have ever been in the club’s history. We will continue to add more photos and archival material as we get them. (Thanks to Sharon Faulds, we have scanned meeting materials going back to 1976 which will get added in the near future. Currently archival meeting documents back to 1991 have been uploaded.)

1985 TIbor Award Recipient CH OTCh Kalypso Cadence Am CD, FDX, NAVHDA-Utility Prize II

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